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Some might say these are trying days. Well, I would feel better if [eople would stop saying "true fact" it's either a face or not and any educated person should know the difference. Climate change is a fact and not up to speculation.

Posted by on in Climate Change
From: WWFPublished March 12, 2009 The new climate and clean energy package proposed by Sweden should serve as an example for all EU countries ahead of crucial global warming negotiations, WWF says. If followed by other industrialised nations the deal could lead towards a low carbon future and help ...
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Posted by on in Animals
KYOTO (Japan) - THAI monkeys have been observed showing their young how to floss - proof that primates teach offspring to use tools, a Japanese researcher says. 'I was surprised because teaching techniques on using tools properly to a third party are said to be an activity carried out only by human...
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Posted by on in Mining
Examples of Modern Mines that Damaged Rivers & Fisheries (Compiled by Mara Bacsujlaky for the Bristol Bay Alliance) The mines that are featured here are all mining operations whose main components were developed within the last 30 years, using “state-of-the-art”, modern hardrock mining technol...
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Tagged in: Earth Violators
Hits: 2292 0 Comments

Posted by on in Climate Change
China must already grapple with some of the worst environmental effects of climate change, including severe air pollution, desertification, water scarcity, and flooding. Is there more to come? Air Pollution and Public HealthChina's reliance on its abundant but dirty coal has produced a number of ne...
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Hits: 1861 0 Comments

Posted by on in Climate Change
The UN climate change conference in Copenhagen has one critical goal: a global treaty to help cut carbon emissions to levels that will prevent dangerous rises in global temperatures and catastrophic climate change. That deal must set goals for cutting global CO2 emissions: some say a 50 percent red...
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Posted by on in Fossil Fuels
When Joe the Plumber donned a baseball cap displaying the words "Clean Coal" last fall, he may not have known it, but he was participating in a public relations effort sponsored by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. So far, that campaign has been a smashing success. The phrase "Clea...
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Hits: 2077 0 Comments

Posted by on in Arts and Entertainment
"Fields of Fuel" addresses the issue of alternative energy and biofuels with a case that it could even stop war. Eco-crusader Josh Tickell with the help of Willie Nelson, Niel Young, Jimmy Carter and many other famous faces makes the case for why alternative fuels are not only needed but morally rig...
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Hits: 2568 0 Comments

Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
By Jim Tankersley Reporting from Washington -- The Obama administration put the brakes on a push to expand oil and gas drilling off America's coasts Tuesday and promised to speed development of offshore wind farms. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced he will extend public comments for six mon...
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Hits: 2141 0 Comments

Posted by on in Solar
CCID Consulting, China's leading research, consulting and IT outsourcing service provider, and the first Chinese consulting firm listed in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Stock Exchange: HK08235), recently released its article on China's solar cell industry. Affected by global financial crisis in 2008, the gl...
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Tagged in: government Solar
Hits: 1866 0 Comments

Posted by on in Arts and Entertainment
How many films has hollywood made about the environment or incorporated as its underlining theme? Here's a list in no particular order. Feel free to add to it: Waterworld Happy feet The Day after Tomorrow Mad Max 2 and 3 Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home Judge Dredd King Kong Soylent Green Bla...
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