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Palm oil need not come at expense of the environment


Greenpeace highlights community model for palm oil production. Palm oil production need not come at the expense of the environment, says Greenpeace in a new campaign that highlights a smallholder approach used by a community in Riau Province on the island of Sumatra.

The campaign — noted in July on Mongabay-Indonesia — looks at the village of Dosan, which manages an oil palm plantation and has committed to not expanding into forest areas. According to Greenpeace, the Dosan community is "moving to improved environmental management practices that include zero burning, no herbicide use and improved water management." At the same time the community has boosted yields through better management practices.

Greenpeace says the developments are helping Dosan maintain the health of a nearby peatland area. Generally peat forests are drained for oil palm plantations, releasing carbon and increasing the vulnerability of the area to fire.

Dhalan, a community leader, said protecting the forest is important for Dosan. 

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