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International Biodiversity Day

Water is the theme for 2013

Water sustains us and all life on earth.  We can make a big difference by conserving water thus reducing our impact on climate change, supporting clean water policies and nonprofits such as Earth Protect's partner Water for People which helps people gain access to clean water.

United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

Video ImageThe Decade coincides with and supports the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting held in Nagoya, Japan.
Watch the Video here...

Water Conservation –
be water smart, not water short

Water conservation—using water efficiently and avoiding waste—is fundamental to ensuring water availability in the future.  In order to protect our water supply everyone can practice conservation.  In our businesses, schools, and homes, using water more efficiently will lessen the effects of limited water supply.


Water For People

Water For People brings together local entrepreneurs, civil society, governments, and communities to establish creative, collaborative solutions that allow people to build and maintain their own reliable safe water systems. Empowering everyone transforms people¹s lives by improving health and economic productivity to end the cycle of poverty.

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Earth Protect Welcomes our New Partners

Maine Solar Energy Association

MESEA has a reputation for complete, hands-on experiences for all participants in the solar PV and thermal focus that families working toward self-reliant lifestyles are interested in. The solar lifestyle, is a method to allow a true World Peace, without the resource wars we are plagued with, and toward an environment we can pass on to the future generations.

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