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Earth Protect Newsletter: May 6

Climate Change Dire Warnings and Solutions
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"It is not too late to limit global warming. But we have to stay within a limited carbon budget that is shrinking fast," says Greenpeace

You can help, support the following:

  • Helping push for clean offshore wind power in the U.S. Congress;
  • Fighting to keep offshore oil drills out of the U.S. Arctic Ocean; and
  • Stopping seismic airgun blasting and eventual offshore oil drilling off the U.S. East Coast and in sensitive Mediterranean habitats.

UN panel warns of dire climate change effects

The world has to act swiftly if it is going to mitigate some of the worst impacts of climate change.

watch the video...

IPCC report: world must urgently switch to clean sources of energy

Article ThumbClean energy will have to at least treble in output and dominate world energy supplies by 2050 in order to avoid catastrophic climate change, a UN report is set to conclude on Sunday. The report produced by hundreds of experts and backed by almost 200 world governments, will detail the dramatic transformation required of the entire globe's power system, including ending centuries of coal, oil and gas supremacy.

read the article...

Maine Solar Energy Association

Article ThumbDo-It-Yourself Solar assembly workshops, for the general public ... MESEA (, has a reputation for complete, hands-on experiences for all participants in the solar PV and thermal focus that families working toward self-reliant lifestyles are interested in. The solar lifestyle, is a method to allow a true World Peace, without the resource wars we are plagued with, and toward an environment we can pass on to the future generations.

learn more about the Maine Solar Energy Association here...

Years of Living Dangerously

Earth Protect hosts a free episode of Showtime's Years of Living Dangerously, Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle and Tom Friedman star in this docudrama about climate change causes and solutions.

Watch here...

Stoked on the Coast Student Film Contest

Are you stoked on the coast?

Get behind the camera and prove it! Heal the Bay invites young California filmmakers in grades 5-12 to express their passion for the ocean by creating a short film for our first ever Student Film Festival! Whether it’s mild, wild, silly or serious, your film should be as fresh and original as you are.

In addition to an exclusive screening event, all entries will be in the running for the Grand Prize, awarded to the filmmakers who most compellingly depict their connection to the coast.

Submissions will be accepted from May 1 through July 1, so start stoking your inspiration!
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