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3 More Days..An Eco-Campaign : Water for Pitak Project

 72 hours to go for the crowdfunding campaign Our Quest for Water  "to be self-reliant and independent in our water supply for our holistic farming management and natural building projects; and  to be a model farm in terms of water sourcing through the use of alternative and renewable energy." Their Pitak Project  located  in Tubao, La Union Northern Philippines  is a model  ecofarm adapting permaculture system and principles to promote a sustainable and regenerative living.

I  diligently support our friend and colleague’s initiative Pitak Project . I strongly believe an endeavor as noble and as inspiring as theirs will be successful. Their  sincerity of preserving and loving Mother Nature by initiating a project a thousand kilometers away from the city that we have been accustomed to is in itself a great challenge.

Yet they never faltered  towards their vision to be a site that displays an ecosystem in symbiosis with its human occupants promoting permaculture, and improving the quality of life of all living creatures on site and sharing their knowledge to the community both local and international.  They continue to selflessly share their knowledge to the community how to build mud houses, plant and farm organically and now sustainability for human and economic development.

In a country where we have seen the damages of modern infrastructure , real estate developments, irresponsible  garbage disposal and a many other insignificant projects , Pitak Project is worth my commendation for  being a Sustainably Green and Healthy Environment.

Summer is a time to enjoy in the waters. People  usually take their vacation to go to the beach and relax with a piña colada or a cool refreshing frappe , splurge on a spa and cool showers, take a dip in the pool , and all those cool summer getaway stuff.  But there is more to waters than mere leisure and pleasure.

Have you ever thought how you could help someone today? Have you ever realized how a humble bucket or even a droplet of  water is considered more precious than gold by others?  We look forward to your share and support in this eco- campaign Our Quest for Water .




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