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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
There are obvious reasons to care about the Earth's environment - global warming, and the litter and rubbish we can actually see are physically apparent to us. However, the damage to our oceans is somewhat less obvious - because most of the environmental issues the seas face are submerged in the de...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Once a year, the United Nations puts a day aside to focus on the oceans and actions that can be taken to preserve it. Every June 8th, World Oceans Day is held and given a theme to drive a given message forward. This year it is Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet with special attention to stoppi...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Sarah Moffitt Thursday 29 January 201509.00 EST Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Shares 829 Comments 51 New research published this week reveals that vast stretches of the ocean interior abruptly lost...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Most of the concerns about climate change have focused on the amount of greenhouse gases that have been released into the atmosphere. But in a new study published in Science, a group of Rutgers researchers have found that circulation of the ocean plays an equally important role in regulat...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Speaking at the “Our Oceans” conference Tuesday morning, actor Leonardo DiCaprio announced that his philanthropic organization, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, was providing $7 million to “meaningful ocean conservation projects over the next two years.” That’s in addition, he said, to a $3 mi...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
WORLD OCEAN DAY provides a unique opportunity once a year to honor our world’s ocean that connects us all, and this weekend you can join with people in communities around the world to mark the day in a special way. After all, no matter where we live­­—from California to Kansas to the Carolinas,...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
The global seafood industry is under threat from climate change and ocean acidification, and reducing CO2 emissions is required to safeguard the industy's future, according to a report jointly published Wednesday by the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, the University of Cambridge's Institute for S...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Ocean acidification can no longer remain on the periphery of the international debates on climate change and the environment and should be addressed by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other global environmental conventions, urges IUCN and the International Ocean Acidification Refer...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
The U.S. Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification, released on March 27th, will guide research and monitoring investments to improve understanding of ocean acidification, its potential impacts on marine species and ecosystems, and adaptation and&n...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
A NOAA-led research team has found the first evidence that acidity of continental shelf waters off the West Coast is dissolving the shells of tiny free-swimming marine snails, called pteropods, which provide food for pink salmon, mackerel and herring, according to a new paper published in Proce...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Change is taking place in the tropical Pacific Ocean, where NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) researchers have found that carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have increased as much as 65 percent faster than atmospheric CO2 since 1998. Rising CO2 concentrations of this magnitude ...
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Posted by on in Fishing
Increasing carbon dioxide in the world's oceans could hamper fishes' eyesight, slowing their reaction times and leaving them vulnerable to predators or unable to hunt, new research has shown. Experts say it adds to the existing evidence that ocean acidification will be bad for marine...
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Posted by on in Food
Warming sea temperatures and ocean acidification put the millions around the world who rely on the sea, at risk.   He sat shirtless on his thin bamboo floor in a home built on posts rising out of the Banda Sea. Tadi had just returned in his dugout canoe from scanning crevices in a nearby reef...
A Bajau woman sitting in a canoe spears a poisonous stone fish so barefoot villagers won't step on it, Nov. 16, 2013, in Indonesia. (Steve Ringman/Seattle Times/MCT)
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE.  The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem. Ocean...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
A new study on an array of marine animals shows that they all will suffer in different ways in the acidified oceans of coming decades. That means rising carbon dioxide levels will trigger some profound reshuffling of life in the seas as some species are more hurt than others. Because some of the ca...
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Posted by on in Wildlife Conservation
Environmentalists on Monday filed a petition with the U.S. government requesting regulatory safeguards for 81 particularly vulnerable marine wildlife species, from corals to sharks. According to WildEarth Guardians, a conservation watchdog, U.S. officials have failed to protect ocean-dwelling speci...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
It may not be immediately apparent what jellyfish, human population growth and our protein diet have in common. Take a closer look, though, and all three offer warning signs that dramatic changes are on the horizon for us and our planet. For aquarium fans, jellyfish are enchanting; for fishermen th...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
by Greg Stone With his jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, oceanographer David Gallo strikes us with wonder and exposes how little we know about what lies below the surface of the ocean. The ocean is the planet's largest habitat, covering more than three-quarters of its surface, yet most...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
About 55.5 million years ago, geologically rapid emission of a large volume of greenhouse gases at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (PETM) led to global warming of about 5oC, severe ocean acidification, and widespread extinction of microscopic organisms living on the deep-sea floor (foraminifera). A s...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
When President Barack Obama convenes his cabinet in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, one might be left with the impression that defenders of our oceans are rather pointedly underrepresented. The Department of Commerce, which oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, has...
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