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Posted by on in Food
Meat consumption is causing climate change so what will it take to get people to eat less meat? The question refers to the fact that the meat and dairy industries are a major cause of climate change, so why are people still so stuck on supporting them? Even if we all left the lights on 24/7, the da...
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Posted by on in Animals
Pangolins are one of the planet's most unique and adorable species. The scaly, anteater-like creatures live in parts of Asia and Africa, and there's an entire task forcededicated to their protection. A popular Pokemon character, Sandslash, was even based on these "artichokes on legs." And...
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Posted by on in Food
Real men eat meat. They kill it and then they grill it. That's the stereotype, or cliche, that's about as old as time. At a recent barbecue in Brooklyn, N.Y., a half-dozen guys who resist that particular cultural stereotype gathered together. Many of them are muscled semi-professional athletes, in...
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Posted by on in Food
The environmental movement has advised us to reduce our eating of animal products (especially red meat and dairy) or, better still, become vegetarians. For instance, the Australian Conservation Foundation, on its GreenHome website, advises this. So does Beyond Zero Emissions, although it thinks a s...
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Posted by on in MyBlog
Yesterday at a press event in London, two food writers took a bite into the world's most unusual hamburger. Grown meticulously from cow stem cells, the hamburger patty represents the dream (or pipedream) of many animal rights activists and environmentalists. The burger was developed by Physiologist ...
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Posted by on in Food
Meat consumption around the world has been on the rise as incomes have grown. In the United States, more meat is consumed than anywhere else. For many, a meal simply is not a meal if it does not have at least a half-pound of flesh on it. Vegetarianism has been in practice by large groups for quite a...
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Posted by on in Human Health
"Nikita" star Maggie Q has stripped for a cause close to her heart. The actress reveals all in a new People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) campaign poster aimed at convincing people to eliminate meat products from their diet. The edgy new PETA billboard reads, "Fight Climate ...
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Posted by on in Agriculture
  Let's all pledge to eat less meat, even if it is just for one day. Sign up to take part in Meatless Monday's, a national movement aimed at doing good for yourself and the environment. Every Monday you can join thousands of other people who choose to take meat out of their food equation for...
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