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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Most of the concerns about climate change have focused on the amount of greenhouse gases that have been released into the atmosphere. But in a new study published in Science, a group of Rutgers researchers have found that circulation of the ocean plays an equally important role in regulat...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Ocean acidification can no longer remain on the periphery of the international debates on climate change and the environment and should be addressed by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other global environmental conventions, urges IUCN and the International Ocean Acidification Refer...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Change is taking place in the tropical Pacific Ocean, where NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) researchers have found that carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have increased as much as 65 percent faster than atmospheric CO2 since 1998. Rising CO2 concentrations of this magnitude ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The past four days have been a frozen hell for an estimated 186 million people across parts of Canada and all 50 states in the US, as freezing air called the polar vortex swirled down from melting polar ice caps. There were 21 deaths attributed to weather-related incidents, with transport...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The year 2013 is currently on course to be among the top ten warmest years since modern records began in 1850, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said today, adding that melting ice caps and glaciers have contributed to a record high in global sea levels. “Temperatures so fa...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
Acidification of the Arctic Ocean is occurring faster than projected according to new findings published in the journal PLOS ONE.  The increase in rate is being blamed on rapidly melting sea ice, a process that may have important consequences for health of the Arctic ecosystem. Ocean...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
It may seem uncomfortably close to science fiction, but robots are moving ever nearer to having humanlike abilities to smell, feel and see their surroundings, allowing them to operate more independently and perform some of the dangerous, dirty and dull jobs people don’t want to do. They can “smell”...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
When President Barack Obama convenes his cabinet in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, one might be left with the impression that defenders of our oceans are rather pointedly underrepresented. The Department of Commerce, which oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, has...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
In his article, ‘Taking Fears of Acid Oceans with a Grain of Salt’, Matt Ridley recycles the standard arsenal of invalid climate ‘skeptic’ arguments and tactics, but applies them to ocean acidification, the lesser known global impact from rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  The result is a...
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