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Mangroves, our wetlands forests sustain biodiversity, provide livelihoods for millions of people and protect our land from tidal surges and storms.

Learn more and take actions to preserve them.

Bimini Mangrove's Threatened

The Beauty and Importance of Mangrove Forests

Bimini MagrovesA very short film about the beauty and importance of Mangrove Forests. This film is shot entirely in north Bimini, Bahamas.
The people of the island are working very hard to have the area turned into a marine protected area. The mangroves of north Bimini protect the island from hurricanes and provide the abundance of ocean life that the islanders depend on for tourism and food. Fisherman, conservationists, life long islanders and scientists all agree that the mangroves of Bimini need to be protected.

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For and Against Mangroves

mangroveThe first recorded report on mangroves was dated back to 325 B.C. Today, there are thousands of reports out there based on intense research into mangrove communities.  In addition to this, the earth has never seen such a huge spike in human population. 6 billion people all in need of resources like food, clothing and shelter.
In the past,  some cultures have used mangroves for fuel wood, charcoal, tannins, timber and as the raw material for industries. Not to mention, the temptation by real estate developers to fill in mangrove areas and create affordable real estate for developments. In many cases, the mangrove areas are sold at a much cheaper cost than other water front property.
However regulations, policies and conventions are being put in place to protect mangroves and penalize those who destroy them.  Depending on who you are, there is a vast array of arguments for and against saving mangroves. I will highlight both arguments from my very own perspective.

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Earth Protect Partner: MangroveWatch

MangroveWatchMangroves and tidal saltmarshes are amongst the most endangered marine wetland habitats worldwide. 
‘MangroveWatch’ is a program that has been established to address the urgent need to preserve and protect threatened tidal wetland ecosystems as well as addressing both scientific and environmental management needs.

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