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Water and Energy: What Can You (as an Individual) Do

With the threat of dwindling water and energy resources becoming increasingly real with each passing day, it is important for every person to contribute to the conservation of both. By adapting our daily behavior even just a little bit, we can reduce carbon emissions and can improve quality, reliability, sustainability, efficiencies and asset optimization, security, and cost effectiveness.

There are a number of basic steps that each person can take to help protect the interdependency of water and energy. Below are just a few of the broadest ways in which you can make a difference:

  • Reduce demand where possible and conserve.
  • Meter consumption so that we know what is being consumed - if you don't measure, you can't control.
  • Use energy efficiently (e.g., avoid standby and part loaded equipment).
  • Purchase and install energy efficient devices/appliances.
  • Supply energy efficiently (e.g., combined heat & power and cooling).
  • Think exponentially, not incrementally.
  • Think holistically.

New patterns in population growth, weather, energy production, and climate demand we take action to protect these valuable resources for ourselves and for future generations. This means not only doing old things in new ways, but also doing new things in new ways. The cost effectiveness of the right solutions require careful thinking because a failed change in terms of cost is gigantic.

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