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Posted by on in Climate Change
We’re looking back at 10 of our recent fact-checks on climate change in light of the United Nations summit in New York this week. These fact-checks cover some of the key points of the climate change debate. 1. "Climate change is a hoax." - Pants on Fire. Earlier this year we looked at a ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
This may confirm suspicions that many of us have already had. Besides leading the world in consumer debt and military spending, the U.S. can now add climate denial to that list. That is, according to aGlobal Trends survey by the U.K.-based market research firm Ipsos MORI. Th...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Fighting climate change and global warming is a big project, and encouraging the private sector to take part is an important part of President Obama's Climate Action Plan. That's what led to the U.S. Department of Energy announcing a $4 billion loan guarantee program on Thursday for new ideas o...
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Posted by on in Sustainable Development
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, California — A rocket carrying a N                     NASA satellite lit up the pre-dawn skies Wednesday on a mission to track atmospheric carbon dioxide, the chief culprit behind global warming. The Delta 2 ro...
PHOTO: In this image released by NASA, members of the media are unable to capture the launch of the Delta 2 rocket with the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 satellite onboard due to heavy fog at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., Wednesday morning, July 2, 2014.  The goal of the $468 million mission, designed to last at least two years, is to study the processes behind how the environment absorbs carbon dioxide.  (AP Photo/NASA, Bill Ingalls) MANDATORY CREDIT
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Posted by on in Climate Change
A new study has found that manmade global warming likely intensified an unusual weather pattern that led to both the California drought and the cold and snowy winter in the eastern U.S. The study, accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, is the first peer revi...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Science is an exciting field to work in. There is a whole universe of problems out there waiting for someone to solve. But science doesn't exist in a vacuum. For me, the most interesting part of being an engineer is using my research to help individuals, and society in general, make better decision...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Climate change is real. The globe is warming. The data show it, the effects are already happening, and when you talk to scientists who study it, they all know it, too. Yet the public still seems to be confused over it, mostly due to the confusion sown by professional confusers. Polls asking the pub...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Global Warming is one of the interesting topics that are highly debated in the recent times. Wherever I go to parties or functions, I get to hear extensively about this phenomenon. I find it interesting because people seem to be absolutely convinced that global warming has engulfed the globe, and is...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
The fact that climate change is occurring around the world makes some people nervous, even a little mad. Read more here: skeptics who cherry-pick issues — columnist Charles Krauthammer crowed this week th...
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Posted by on in Green Design
How much can white or green roofs do to fight climate change?  Painting roofs white or covering them with plants could help fight global warming, but they don't offer the same bang for the buck everywhere, says a study Monday of six U.S. "megapolitan" regions. Cool roofs — painted white or ot...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
The year 2013 is currently on course to be among the top ten warmest years since modern records began in 1850, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said today, adding that melting ice caps and glaciers have contributed to a record high in global sea levels. “Temperatures so fa...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
I live in Denver, Colorado, and for the past few days, we've had nothing but rain. Three months of rain in 48 hours, to be exact. The surge of water has caused rivers and streams to overflow their banks, drowning Boulder, Loveland, Longmont, Estes Park and many other towns along the Front Range unde...
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Posted by on in Ocean/Seas/Coastlines
It is estimated that coral reefs cover around 284,000 square kilometers providing a habitat for thousands of species to live. And unless you've snorkeled in some of these underwater habitats, or perhaps have seen a Planet Earth documentary, most of us have never experienced these natural wonders. B...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
In the quest to head off rising global temperatures, some scientists have argued for steep curbs in how much soot and methane are released into the air. But a new study suggests that targeting such emissions in the next couple of decades may make much less of a dent than previously thought. While c...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
  Sir John Beddington, the government's retiring Chief Scientist has been doing the media rounds today, telling anyone who'll listen how "Climate Change" is still a serious problem about which we should all worry greatly. Has he looked out of the window recently? Looking out of my windo...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Whew! We made it through that Mayan end of the world apocalypse thing. But don’t even begin to imagine that our doomsday problems are nearly over. Even the Wall Street Journal breathlessly reported "Polar Ice Melt Is Accelerating: Shrinking in Greenland, Antarctica Has Sent Ocean Levels Higher, Stu...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
A growing majority of Americans think global warming is occurring, that it will become a serious problem and that the U.S. government should do something about it, a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds. Even most people who say they don't trust scientists on the environment say temperatures are ris...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
  The Ashville, North Carolina-based National Climatic Data Center says the continental United States had a national average of just over 57 degrees between January and November. While that is 3.3 degrees higher than the long-term average, it is only one degree above the soon-to-be-outdated ...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
  The Byrd Station sits on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), supporting scientific missions to explore the Antarctic environment. Temperatures monitored at the Byrd Station dating back to 1958 have now been studied by researchers from Ohio State University, who report: a marked i...
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Posted by on in Climate Change
Hundreds of United Nations global warming scientists have just met in France via Earth-destroying air travel, ironically at a time of unseasonably cool temperatures across France, to once again justify their funding.  Apparently the overall temperature of Earth is set to maybe rise 4 degrees Fa...
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